Echinacea and mixed-grass prairie vegetation project

Here is our research crew collecting data on Echinacea angustifolia root resprouting at a field site near Miles City, Montana.
This project was conducted in 2002 to collect baseline data on Echinacea angustifolia populations in north-central Kansas and western North Dakota and was funded by the U.S. Forest Service. Only the Kansas data are presented here. The areas sampled are the thinner soils in Greenhorn-limestone based soils with loess deposits.
Location data
The file below contains the GPS locations using the mapping projection NAD83 for all plots along transects. The plots were located 4 m apart. More information on the siting of these plots is in the document below.
Echinacea Kansas plot locations [Excel file]
Study data
The file below provides the data in tables and, on a separate page, provides the plot data given for each site and provides the cover data for each plot.
Echinacea Kansas study data [Excel file]
You are welcome to use this data, and I ask that you credit the source. Please contact me, as I am especially interested in opportunities to collaborate on uses of this data.